- 非IC关键词
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- 会员年限:3年
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- 地址:深圳市福田区福田街道福山社区彩田路2010号中深花园B1008M15
- E-mail:1345529428@qq.com
General Description
The LM621 is a bipolar IC designed for commutation of
brushless DC motors. The part is compatible with both
three- and four-phase motors. It can directly drive the power
switching devices used to drive the motor. The LM621 provides an adjustable dead-time circuit to eliminate ‘‘shootthrough’’ current spiking in the power switching circuitry.
Operation is from a 5V supply, but output swings of up to
40V are accommodated. The part is packaged in an 18-pin,
dual-in-line package.
Description of Inputs and Outputs
Pin 1: VCC1 (a5V). The logic and clock power supply pin.
Pin 2: DIRECTION. This input determines the direction of
rotation of the motor; ie., clockwise vs. counterclockwise.
See truth table.
Pin 3: DEAD-TIME ENABLE. This input enables or disables
the dead-time feature. Connecting a5V to pin 3 enables
dead-time, and grounding pin 3 disables it. Pin 3 should not
be allowed to float.
Pin 4: CLOCK TIMING. An RC network connected between
this pin and ground sets the period of the clock oscillator,
which determines the amount of dead-time. See Figure 2
and text.
Pins 5 thru 7: HS1, HS2, and HS3 (Hall-sensor inputs).
These inputs receive the rotor-position sensor inputs from
the motor. Three-phase motors provide all three signals;
four phase motors provide only two, one of which is connected to both HS2 and HS3.
Pin 8: 30/60 SELECT. This input is used to select the required decoding for three-phase motors; ie, either ‘‘30-degree’’ (a5V) or ‘‘60-degree’’ (ground). Connect pin 8 to
a5V when using a four-phase motor.
Pin 9: LOGIC GROUND. Ground for the logic power supply
Q Q: 632886022